Elk River Trail foundation
About the
Elk River Trail Foundation, Inc. is a 501(c)(3) charitable organization composed of a group of citizens and businesspeople dedicated to enhancing and supporting the Elk River Trails. We are an all-volunteer organization governed by a board of directors that includes people from along the Elk River trails and people who love the trails. A host of volunteers serve on our committees, the most important being the Trail Town Committee, the Water Trail Committee, and the Trail Committee. Please contact us if you would like to serve for the betterment of the Elk River!
our mission
To preserve, protect, and enhance the Elk River Trails for public recreation, community health and well-being, conservation, ecology, education, economic development, and cultural enrichment.
dnr rules &
Elk River Trail is operated as a State Park by the West Virginia Department of Natural Resources, State Parks Section (DNR). DNR maintains the following rules and regulations in consideration of its guests and to protect resources within West Virginia State Parks and State Forests. Common questions are addressed below.
Unlawful Acts in State Parks and State Forests include (but are not limited to):
Destroying, defacing, disturbing or removing any part of any building, sign, structure or equipment.
Destroying, cutting, breaking, removing, defacing, mutilating, injuring, taking or gathering any tree, shrub, other plant or plant part, rock, mineral, or geological feature except by permit issued by the Division.
Failure to pay for rental charges or other fees required for park and facility use.
All fires must be confined to designated grills or areas.
Hunting, trapping or other harassment of wildlife. Note: Hunting and trapping are permitted in state forests.
Feeding wildlife.
Acting in a disorderly manner or creating any noise which would result in annoyance to others.
Littering and/or dumping any refuse or waste, including grey water, from any trailer or other vehicle except in places or receptacles provided for such use.
Dogs and cats are the only pets permitted in state parks and forests. Pets must be leashed and restrained.
Explosives, incendiaries, flammables and other dangerous substances are prohibited in state parks, state forests.
Hawking, peddling, soliciting, begging, advertising, or carrying on any business or commercial enterprise is prohibited in state parks, and state forests without the written permission of the Director of the Division of Natural Resources.
Operating vehicles in a reckless manner, or in excess of posted speed limits, or in areas other than those specifically intended for vehicular traffic.
Quiet hours are observed from 10 p.m. to 6 a.m.
A full list of rules and regulations are available at